redbookcover.gif (13955 bytes) Readings in Database Systems, 3rd Edition

Stonebraker & Hellerstein, eds.

Query Processing

A quick primer on the relational algebra

  • selection
  • projection
  • cartesian product
  • join (in particular, theta-join)

Unary Operations

  • sorting: see Knuth, or Shapiro paper.  We will study high-performance parallel sorting later.  Uses?
  • hashing: a minor variant of hybrid-hash join works well. Uses?

Binary Operations (i.e. Joins)

Join algorithms apply to almost any form of combining multiple collections.

Some commonly used join variants (alternative logical algebra operators):

  • semi-join: R semi-join S ~= R join remove-dups(S) projected to the columns of R
    • S basically serves as a filter
    • logically, selection is a "virtual semijoin"
  • outer join: R outer-join S: compute R join S, and for each tuple of R that has no match send it to the output with the S columns filled in with NULLs. Left, Right, and Full Outer Joins.
  • intersection & difference

These logical algebra operators can be implemented as minor variations on the same join algorithms!

The "Guy Lohman Test" for join operators:

  • does the operator work for joining 3 inputs without storing the output of 2 of the inputs?

Nested Loops Join

for each tuple r of R
    for each tuple s of S
       if rs satisfies join predicate
          output rs  

R is the outer relation (left)

S is the inner relation (right)

  • works for any join predicate
  • inner input must be stored

Refinement 1: Block Nested Loops Join

for each block BR of R
    for each tuple s of S
        for each tuple r of BR such that rs satisfies join predicate
               output rs  

Further refinements to nested loops:

  • load R in chunks of M-K pages
  • "pin" K pages of the inner into memory
  • alternate scan direction on inner ("boustrophedonism")

Refinement 2: Index Nested Loops Join

for each tuple r of R
    probe index over S;
    output all s s.t. rs satisfies join predicate;  


  • Still called "nested loops", S is still referred to as the "inner" relation
  • any join predicate can be supported if the index supports the predicate!
          FROM cities, forests
         WHERE cities.boundary overlaps forests.boundary;  
  • can convert all nested-loops joins to index-nested-loops by indexing inner on the fly

(Sort-)Merge Join

Works for equijoin, "band" joins

we will assume here you know how to do a 2-pass sort [see Knuth or Shapiro]

idea: if R & S are sorted on the join column(s), we can "simply" merge them

But duplicates complicate things (as usual).



R join S
















sort R;
sort S;;;
r =;
s =;
while (r != NULL && s != NULL) {
    while (r.c < s.c)
        r =;
    if (r.c = s.c) {
        while (r.c = s.c) {
            output rs;
            r =;
        "rewind" r to first tuple of R where r.c = s.c;
        s =;
    while (r.c > s.c)
        s =;

Refinement: do merging of R & S while merging runs from each.

  • Requires enough buffers for merging both R and S simultaneously.

Note: Sort-merge is symmetric, so "outer", "inner", "left", "right" are arbitrary

Classic Hash Join

Works for equijoin only

Let R be the smaller relation

Hash R into VM;
for each tuple of S
    probe hashtable over R and output all rs s.t. s.c = r.c  
  • In the spirit of indexed nested-loop join, S is "outer" (left), and R is "inner" (right)
  • Warning: at least one important paper calls S the right relation, R the left!!!
  • I prefer to call S left/outer, R right/inner
    • note that hash join is very similar to nested-loop + index-on-the-fly (which Sybase used to do.)  If we call the probing relation there the "outer", we should do the same here!
  • Safest to refer to "building" and "probing" relations

Simple Hash Join

Repeat steps 1 and 2 with R, S replaced by the passed over tuples.


  • Great when R is small
  • Works for memory of any size


  • you tell me!

Grace Hash Join

Phase 1 is repeated with S in place of R



  • works well for big R, esp. when RAM is just big enough for output buffers of R


  • you tell me!

Hybrid Hash

Original paper: DeWitt, Katz, Olken, Shapiro, Stonebraker, Wood, SIGMOD '84.



Phase 2 as in Grace Join  

Hybrid Hash Advantages:

  • As good as simple hash for small R
  • As good as Grace for big R
  • If RAM is bigger than # of output buffers, improves on Grace


  • you tell me

Handling Partition Overflow:

  • If a partition of R overflows, recursively partition it, along with the corresponding bucket of S
  • Note that size of S does not affect level of recursion!
    • Makes hash-join particularly effective if |R| << |S| (compare to sort-merge)

Variation: Virtual Memory

  • This is a Shapiro detail that is mostly ignored today...
  • Define Hot Set as those pages which should be "pinned" in memory
  • In our case, the hot set is the current hashtable in memory
  • Any other memory (e.g. partitions) could be managed by VM!
  • Problems:
    • LRU paging leaves the "wrong end" of partitions in memory
    • LRU screws up phase 2

Additional Tricks: Filters

Idea: build a filter based on R so you stage less of S to disk

  • Babb Array filter
  • Bloom filter

  • These are like lossy semijoins! Any superset of S semijoin R will do.


© 1998, Joseph M. Hellerstein.  Last modified 08/18/98.
Feedback welcomed.